School holidays about to begin

Term 3 is now at its end and it’s already time for the school holidays! Classes will still run this Saturday 29th September.

Our kids classes have been working hard all term and have earned a fun break, while our adult classes will continue on through the school holidays until Term 4 arrives on Monday the 15th of October.

Term 4 marks the start of official preparations for our end-of-year concert, as well as our brand new piano program! Don’t forget to register your interest at and make sure you’re on the list for private or small group lessons on our brand new equipment.

Throughout the October school holidays, some of our students will be participating in Ballet examinations, as well as the annual Bayswater Dance Competitions, so keep an eye out for WAPS students and events near you!

We wish all our students a fantastic break, and can’t wait to see you all back for Term 4 which begins on Monday 15th September (for both adults and kids classes!).

Please remember that Term 4 is only 9 weeks long.

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