6 Reasons Why We Love Dance Competitions Dance competitions are highly rewarding for dancers and performers of all ages – and it’s not just about the trophies either! Dance competitions can help develop fundamental skills that will be useful to a dancer long after the competitions have ended. We’ve chosen six of our favourite points to share with you today: 1. Experience Performing on stage for judges and an audience […]

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6 Tips To Ace Your Next Acting Audition The WA Performance Schools’ Top 6 Tips for Acting Auditions! Be a team player and be nice to everyone. Auditions are a really great way to meet other people and make new connections within the industry. If you are rude, come across as someone who is difficult to work with, or have a big ego, it is highly unlikely you will get […]

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8 Tips to Help YOU Remember Choreography! Memory is a vital skill for a dancer, and just like anything else, it requires practice and hard work to get better! Here are some of our favourite tips to help learn and remember choreography… WATCH THE CHOREOGRAPHY. Watch the choreography first, before repeating or asking questions. After you have seen the sequence a few times and can then picture it in your […]

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Do You Know The Hidden Benefits of Singing? Whether your goal is to simply learn more about what your voice can do, or if you want to become a professional singer, singing lessons are certainly well worth your time! There are so many benefits of singing lessons – try a class today! Students learn memorization and study skills over the course of singing lessons that can easily transfer across to […]

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Get Fit, Make Friends, Reduce Injury, Decrease Stress – All Thanks To Dancing! Whilst traditional team sports are a great way to get young children physically active, it may not be the right choice for your toddler… Does your little one smile and sway to music, perhaps clapping their hands and jumping around? Do they like to roll around on the floor and leap through the air? Perhaps a dance […]

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Looking after yourself: Sports Injuries  Injuries are an unfortunate part of involvement in sports and physical activity. Some are unavoidable due to accidents or collisions, however some are preventable with a careful approach to physical activity, focus on proper technique, and an informed attitude to sports! It’s difficult to read the Australian Sports Injuries Hospitalisations study, conducted across 2011-12, without cringing. The report outlines a conservative estimate of sports-related hospitalisations, […]

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Most young ballerinas will tell you that they have one big dream for their dancing career… to be En Pointe! Dancing En Pointe, or on your toes in special Pointe shoes, requires a huge amount of strength and ballet technique. Ballet teachers will have strict requirements you will need to fulfil before you can start Pointe work. Most teachers and specialists agree that Pointe work shouldn’t start until dancers are […]

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WAPS #Dancelife – Miss Sarah’s Dance Trip To Spain I was very lucky to get accepted earlier this year into a fantastic Summer dance intensive, run by Dance Master Class, a fantastic international company with incredible faculty. My program was two weeks full time, in Granada, which is in Southern Spain at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I was pleasantly surprised to get accepted and looked forward […]

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Why Learn to Sing? 1. Be Versatile You may have heard the term “triple threat” mentioned in performing arts circles and wondered what that means. A triple threat performer is an individual who can dance, act and sing – adding voice to your list of skills can be an invaluable way to set yourself apart from other perfomers, and can make the difference between missing out on a part in an […]

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