Term 2 Starts 24 April – including public holidays!

WAPS end of year concert 2016

Term 2 at WAPS runs from 24th April to Saturday 1st July for kids, and until 16th July for adults. You can check out our term dates at any time using the timetable page here.

We are thrilled to have some NEW courses for our adult dancers, including:
Open Lyrical
Mondays 8pm, explore this beautiful and expressive dance style! Fees are $190 for 12 weeks, plus discounts available for students enrolled in multiple classes.


Bellydance 5 Week Course
Our exciting new Bellydance course will run for five weeks, starting May 2 at 8.15pm. Explore a rich variety of styles including traditional, cabaret-inspired, and tribal/gothic styles. At just $110 for five weeks, this class is a fun short course exploring this sensual and exotic style.

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