Do you want to join a troupe or compete but find yourself frustrated or not getting the results you want? Read our top tips for some easy changes to make that will help you achieve your goals! Do you ever feel like your teachers may not be recognizing your potential? Chances are, your teachers are not deliberately holding you back (that’s the opposite of what teachers aim to do!), but […]

Categories: Blog

Coming up to the end of year, and concert season, many parents and students are juggling extra holiday commitments, exams, and rehearsals on top of their usual weekly schedule – it can be a difficult time to stay organised. Many parents ask us how performing arts students can ensure that their home practice doesn’t suffer with all these extra commitments, so we’d like to share with you our own WAPS […]

Categories: Blog

Have you seen The West’s review of Peter Combe’s Wash Your Kids In Orange Juice shows? You can check it out here or check it out below – we are absolutely thrilled that the Pro Performance Troupe got a mention in this great review, and are very proud of our young performers for their first professional performance and 4.5 star review.   Wash Your Kids in Orange Juice For some […]

Categories: Blog

Review: Peter Combe, Wash Your Kids In Orange Juice Have you seen The West’s review of Peter Combe’s Wash Your Kids In Orange Juice shows? You can check it out here – we are absolutely thrilled that the Pro Performance Troupe got a mention in this great review, and are very proud of our young performers for their first professional performance and 4.5 star review. For some of these dancers […]

Categories: News