What does the concert mean to you? As parents, end of year concerts can range from exciting, to nerve-wracking. Our team member and “Music Mum” Alessandra shares some thoughts on this special time of year. At the time when our end of year concert is at the front of our mind absorbing every waking minute of staff, students and parents – at WAPS and at so many other dance, music […]

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We are excited for our first Souvenir Concert Shirts to arrive in-studio! If you’re looking to customise your shirt’s fit, consider the three ideas below which require absolutely no sewing… Just remember: – This can be your uniform next year, so try not to make alterations that make it uncomfortable or unsafe to dance or move in. – Do not customise your shirt so that your cleavage or midriff are […]

Categories: Blog

WAPS is lucky to have Jamie Papanicolaou joining us all the way from the UK for a series of special workshops in the July holidays What inspired you to become a triple-threat performer? When I was very young, my Nanna took me to see a performance of a show called Brigadoon. I think I knew, even at that young age, that I wanted to be like those people on the […]

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Finishing year 12 feels like the end of an era – but how can you stay connected to the activities and community you love, and continue to achieve success and opportunities as a performer? A while ago, our manager and music specialist Sylvia Sippl was asked to return to her former high school to give a speech during the specialist music programme’s year 12 graduation ceremony. Given no restrictions on […]

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As performers, we pour our heart and soul into every routine, piece, or scene that we perform – we spend so many hours each week training and preparing for our performances! One of the most valuable things we can do as performers is to share our gift with others, whether they be friends, family, teachers, classmates, paying ticketholders, or members of the wider community. At WAPS we are proud to […]

Categories: Blog

There’s been a flurry of activity at the WAPS studio over the school holidays! We have had our adult classes running throughout, and some of our dedicated young dancers and singers have been joining us for special rehearsals too! We’d like to congratulate our wonderful Troupe dancers on a fantastic performance at KickstART festival on Saturday 8th April. Our singers, acrobats and dancers looked fabulous in their costumes and it […]

Categories: News

Our students have been rehearsing hard over the holidays for two fantastic Fringe productions this year – Peter Combe’s Bellyflop in a Pizza, and our very own show – ACTIVATE!  Activate opens TODAY, with another show on Friday 27th Jan, and is jam-packed full of energy and entertainment for the whole family. Get moving, dancing, singing and grooving with our team of Activators, featuring staff and students from The WA […]

Categories: News

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the wonderful students who have passed through our doors in 2016, especially those who performed at our 2016 end of year concerts on the weekend. We are so endlessly proud of your achievements and we hope you had a wonderful time at the concert. Thank you also to the wonderful families and audience members who have sent lovely feedback about […]

Categories: News

Performer Diary: Sylvia at PIAF Manager and music teacher Miss Sylvia has shared with us some thoughts about her recent performance at the Perth International Arts Festival closing weekend! Sylvia was one of just 27 local singers from a total of 70 who auditioned for the chance to perform onstage alongside the House Gospel Choir, an ensemble established for just two years, which has already performed at Buckingham Palace and even […]

Categories: News

Manager and music teacher Miss Sylvia has shared with us some thoughts about her recent performance at the Perth International Arts Festival closing weekend! Sylvia was one of just 27 local singers from a total of 70 who auditioned for the chance to perform onstage alongside the House Gospel Choir, an ensemble established for just two years, which has already performed at Buckingham Palace and even Glastonbury! The choir is […]

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