What does the concert mean to you? As parents, end of year concerts can range from exciting, to nerve-wracking. Our team member and “Music Mum” Alessandra shares some thoughts on this special time of year. At the time when our end of year concert is at the front of our mind absorbing every waking minute of staff, students and parents – at WAPS and at so many other dance, music […]

Categories: Blog

We asked Miss Lauren to share some advice she had for teens in home school. Check out her fantastic tips below, and if you have some to share, why not contact us and contribute to our next article? High school can be hard, even when things go to plan! Are you struggling finding yourself suddenly learning at home? Finding it hard to manage your time for schooling and dance lessons? […]

Categories: Blog, Blogs

With so many parents suddenly finding themselves taking on the role of both teacher and parent this week, we’ve put together some of our top homeschool tips to help with learning from home. Check out some wonderful pieces of advice from teachers, former students and parents! Well, 2020 is certainly turning out to be a year of surprise and change! To help WAPS parents stay ahead of the curve, we […]

Categories: Blog, Blogs

Today, we’re giving you an insight into what’s involved in Virtual Classes for toddlers. Find out what goes on in a virtual lesson for young students, as Miss Lauren sheds some light on what goes into planning, preparing and teaching an exciting programme for 2-4 year olds online. What a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been! As soon as the government announced that businesses were to close, the WAPS […]

Categories: Blog, Blogs

We sat down with a WAPS team member to discover some of the strategies they used when helping their child practise at home – and how that changed over the years. See if you can read through to the end and guess which of our current WAPS teachers is the child in the article! It became apparent quite early on that our child enjoyed listening to and then playing music. […]

Categories: Blog, Blogs, Uncategorized

So you have always wanted to make up a dance – you can see it in your head, on stage, the costumes, the music but completely stuck when it comes to making up the movements? Everyone has experienced choreography block including myself! Here are five tips to help you choreograph and create something totally new and unique. 1) INTENTION/RELATIONSHIP The first step to choreographing a dance is deciding your audience […]

Categories: Blog, Blogs

We sat down with new team member Miss Lauren to find out find out about her journey to Paris, and her life dancing at the most famous cabaret in the world. In July 2016 the Moulin Rouge were doing an audition tour around Australia. When I heard they were coming to Perth my friends and I decided to go to the audition on our day off from full time ballet […]

Categories: Blog

WAPS is lucky to have Jamie Papanicolaou joining us all the way from the UK for a series of special workshops in the July holidays What inspired you to become a triple-threat performer? When I was very young, my Nanna took me to see a performance of a show called Brigadoon. I think I knew, even at that young age, that I wanted to be like those people on the […]

Categories: Blog

Finishing year 12 feels like the end of an era – but how can you stay connected to the activities and community you love, and continue to achieve success and opportunities as a performer? A while ago, our manager and music specialist Sylvia Sippl was asked to return to her former high school to give a speech during the specialist music programme’s year 12 graduation ceremony. Given no restrictions on […]

Categories: Blog

Our director, award-winning businesswoman Stella Hui was recently interviewed by the team at MyBusiness.com.au. Check out the full article here for some tips on growing creative businesses, and to gain an insight into Stella’s world!

Categories: News