A Secret Dance Rehearsal!

WAPS Flash Mob Dance Rehearsal Flashmob

Welcome back to Term 2 at the WA Performance School! As most of you are aware, this term is shaping up to be an exciting one, with new students and dance classes, and lots of events happening both within and outside of the academy. Here’s a quick sneak peek of the preparations for our latest project – a top secret one! Last Sunday saw forty dedicated dancers rehearsing at our studio for a huge upcoming event. Students and volunteers of all ages attended to practise a unique routine for a major televised event for this coming weekend – we can’t give away too many details, or we’ll spoil the surprise! We’re very excited and so are our fabulous dancers – thank you all for volunteering to come in over the holidays, and for working so hard in your classes and at home preparing for this spectacular event!

– The Team at WAPS

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